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The lyrics of the song 'Doing Bad Things' describe the satisfaction of revenge and the thrill of being bad. The singer warns their target to watch their step as they plan to do bad things to them. The chorus repeats the phrase 'Being bad has never felt so good' and the singer declares that they will make trouble wherever they go.

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Текст песни 'А мы с тобой теперь никто' с описанием о том, как два человека, которые были близки, стали чужими и потеряли друг друга. Песня описывает чувства утраты и ностальгии за прошлым, которое уже не вернуть. В тексте также присутствуют отсылки к тик-току и Богу, которые могут быть интерпретированы по-разному.

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Poison burning through my veins An ocean to keep the flames at bay Watching the rising tide out of time Poison drowning out the pain Brave in the storm but fear the rain I know I’m out of time, out of time Laugh through waves crash over me A splash back spurting underneath the water Under water And I know I’m drowning I can’t breathe this time I’m in too deep Sinking down through memories As I think of you Poison burning through my veins An ocean to keep the flames at bay Watching the rising t

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Текст песни Sex to Me. Исполнитель: Kim Petras. Песня о том, что для главного героя отношения сводятся только к сексу, и он не хочет ничего большего. В песне также затрагивается тема разочарования в отношениях и нежелания быть близким с партнером.

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This page is about the journey to success through hard work and determination. It emphasizes the importance of staying motivated and not giving up, even when faced with challenges. The page also highlights the idea of being a fighter and taking a stance in the face of adversity. Overall, the message is one of inspiration and encouragement for those on their own journey to success.

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It’s Death of my door Nothing to cry about Nothing he swore I’m burning out Once I am gone Forgive the odds For giving me sight I was waiting, waiting I don’t know if I’m gonna stay Hey, he said in a delicate way, way Let me hold you in last embrace Ace of hearts Lovers wait, wait Wait wait Once in a while You go down to shore Remember all the doubts Remember wars Hope in your smile Is hope after all Nothing to cry about Nothing he swore I was waiting waiting I don’t know if I’m gonna stay Hey,

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